16 July 2010


I slept terribly, plagued by dreams and so tired and groggy when I woke up. I felt worse than having a hangover. And all I drank before bed was water...

But I needed to wake up, to call mum, because today is a big day. She went for a full CAT scan last week, and today she'd get the results. I was a little hesitant about calling. In the past, sometimes after conversations on days like this, I feel down, more down than ever, and helpless...

She answered the phone, and the TV I suspect was in the background. She sounded alright. The first sound of her voice can often tell how she's feeling. Nothing to worry about, she said, the doctor said her results are better than back in May, when she last had a checkup. "Must be all the travelling and good times in Europe," she said, even though I feared that some tensions at home didn't really do her any good.

I asked if she could see the pictures of her scan. She said she did, and there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. As long as there is not spreading or enlargement of lymph glands, then it's stable. It's under control.

That's good news, right?.

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