23 July 2007

Roze Maandag

I walked around with a pink balloon tied to my bag, and a pink bandana around my neck. Both I had got from the friendly local policeman, dressed in his usual blue uniform, but with pink highlights and sashes wrapped around his whole body. I also had a pink Wuppie doll sitting on my shoulder, which I got when I donated some money to AIDS Fonds. Unfortunately, that poor Wuppie got lost somewhere....

Finally managed to hand in a draft of my thesis last week, so I decided to take a few days off, and give myself some 'free time'. Today was Roze Maandag (Pink Monday) , and every year there's this BIG celebration in a southern city called Tilburg. It's one of the biggest gay-event in the country that's being going on since 1990, and combined with the biggest funfair in the Netherlands, it's supposed to be quite a experience. As usual with things I invite my friends to, I ended going all by myself.

Oh well, being alone and with the rain didn't have to ruin the fun. I walked around the town, and everywhere was decorated with pink ribbons and flags and banners. The squares were filled with roller coaster rides and bumper cars and cotton candy stands, and all these people crowding in to take a peek at the event.

As usual, like at any gay pride event, there were out-rageously dressed drag queens parading the streets and making a big scene. I shied away in the corner and watched them go by. There were drummers, marching bands, dancers and even a Mr. Beautiful competition. That, and many cute looking guys walking around. Look but no touch.

I walked around a bit more, but didn't really do much else. All these thrill rides and games you could play just seem a bit boring when you do it by yourself. So I just wandered around and watched all sorts of people, old and young, hetero and homo, having a good time and munching away at the fatty foods and candies on offer. I guess that in itself was fun enough.

With the balloon tied around me, floating up and down and making funny noises as the rain drops fell on them, I headed home again.


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