11 January 2007


I don't like meetings. Not when you have to dress up and look pompous. Especially not meetings with pretentious people who think they're soooo important and better than everyone else and don't even try to hide that.

But sometimes you just have to smile and be friendly and friends with everyone else, even though deep down you just want to get out of the place and can't bear to be with those people one more moment. Well, it'll be like that this morning. At work we're meeting the board members of the society organising the moot competition... and I just can't not go and mingle.
I know one of the board members, who happens to be in my class. And he's one of these arrogant, snobbish people who likes to show off with his expensive gadgets and tell you all about the experiences he's had working at the UN blah blah blah...

Oh well, smile and be friendly and friends with everyone else.

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