11 January 2007

Homosexual vs. homosexuality

There is a difference between the two, according to a local evangelical school.

In a recent guide to schools in a local paper, a school in Amsterdam, called 'The Passion', claimed that because homosexuality does not fit in with the principles of the school there are no (openly) gay teachers working there.

This caused a bit of an uproar, and a law-maker has prompted investigation into whether the comment overstepped the Equal Treatment Act [de Wet gelijke behandeling]. The direcotr of ‘The Passion’, however does not think it discriminates.

“Discrimination is characterised by the unequal treatment of people in [prohibited] situations. This is different at our school, which is based on [biblical education]. We ask our teachers that they subscribe to the bible, and live to that in their private lives.

[…] We see a difference between homosexual and homosexuality. It is possible that we have teachers who are by nature homosexual, but as Christians decide not to engage in a relationship with someone of the same sex.” In comparing with Islamic schools who only take on teachers who are Muslims, the director continues: “We also don’t have teachers who say that God does not exist. You may select on the basis of outlook on life.”

What a skewed argument in this day and age...

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