12 January 2007


As it turns out there was no meeting today. The oh-so-snobbish members of the society actually forgot about about our appointment, and kept my colleagues and me waiting the whole morning. We joked that we took reluctantly showers and dressed up and got up early to be at work especially for the meeting.

So I worked a bit, answered some emails, and hauled some boxes from one office to another with a little cart that made big noises as it rode over the cobbled road. The American Embassy (or as I call it, Guatanamo in The Hague) happened to be on the way. Armed policemen looked at my colleague and me, with our big boxes and our loud-sounding cart, suspiciously. It prbably didn't help that an American embassy was attacked earlier this morning.

I got home early in the afternoon, had a quick lunch, and my plans to finally get some studying done were stolen by sleep. I just wanted to lie down and take a nap, but it turned into two hours of sleep, and by the time I got up, it was already dark outside. Apparently the winter blues have not gone.

It took bars of chocolate, cookies and huge gulps of tea to keep me seated for a good few hours. But somehow I don't feel like studying... it's the last exam of the term, and the exam itself is just four days away, but I'm so tired and unmotivated for some reason... I read the pages and pages of judgements, but it seems like I read and I forget. Not encouraging.

Well, on the bright side I get to have the house to myself over the weekend. The others are going to their parties and friends, so it'll be nice and quiet.

Would be nice if I could share this empty place and feelings with someone though...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*Hug* At least no meeting means you could take the suit off!

I honestly hate those things so much .. feels like you're pretending to be something you're not. I want to just be myself and wear what I like .. why do I have to wear a suit just because someone else thinks they look pretty?