08 June 2011

Peace within?

Last night at the monastery, a humid and still night where there's not even a waft of wind.

Been a good few days of get away, and my mind has been somewhat settled, yet not completely. Peace, real peace comes from within, and it can be found and realized wherever you may be. But at thus moment in my life, there is little peace, however much I try to meditate to calm my own mind, however much I try to dispel thoughts and confusing inner chatter, my mind is wondering around and lost.

It is too easy to blame other people, blame the outside world and all the things that are unsatisfactory about it for my troubled state of mind. But really, it is my mind that is disturbed and troubled. Things and people are just the way hey are. Conditions are simply the way they are, and cannot be changed. What can be changed is my own mind and way of thinking.

Do I want to continually worry about things that I have no control over? Do I want to fret over possible events and encounters that are only playing out onside my head? Do I really want to second guess other people's emotions and feelings? Do I want to make sure everything is perfect, and dread and get upset that things do not turn out the way I plan them to be? it's all in my mind... All that worry, all that anxiety, all that fear.

Let it all go... Enjoy the surrounding here and now. I've been told so many times, read about it so many times, and I know that it is so, that I can live a much lighter and happier life if I only let go. So why don't I?

Why do I cling onto things? Cling onto what I want, what I would like to happen, when everything in life is so uncertain and unclear?

Going back to Canada soon, and taking mum with me. It's a moment I've been waiting for, longing for, and I should just let things be, let things run their natural course.

There can be peace within. If only I will allow it.

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