28 March 2011


I've been told I was too naive, too nice, and even too stupid (well, maybe not with that exact word, but something to that effect) to offer a friend my spare room to stay in. She'd never leave, they said... She's exploiting you, they said.

Perhaps... Perhaps... But after seven months, it looks like she's finally found an alternative solution to her housing problem, as my roommate found a room to share in an apartment elsewhere.

It hasn't been completely easy living with her. especially after being away for so long, what I most wanted was a place of my own, without having to think about whether there's someone in the next room I might be disturbing. But that will all come to an end soon enough, and my cat will also be glad to know the room she has been physically barred from entering will soon be free territory for her to roam in.

Was it out of a sense of charity that I took my friend in, and let her stay for so long without ever asking for a cent in rent? I'm not sure. Maybe I'm too idealistic, too nice as they say, but in my mind from the very beginning was the idea that if I could do something to help, why not? If I had the spare space to offer, even if to offer to someone j knew would be difficult to live with, why not? Even if it might be to my own detriment and growing inconvenience, if I could help A friend in need, why not? I wouldn't call it charity, as such. Just trying to help someone in need to the best of my abilities, which is more than what a lot of people would do, and I can be grateful that I have the patience and space in my heart to be able to do so.

The motivation has changed little from the day I offers her the spare room to live in, despite seeing my own things gradually shoved aside to make room for hers, despite having to come home at night only to find the kitchen sink cluttered wish unwashed dishes.

Seven months on, the sharing of my living space with another is soon over. I really look forward to having my little comfort zone where u can retire to at the end of the day... And I deserve it.

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