13 April 2010


I didn't really sleep much or well last night, as normally before sleeping I'd call my mum. But last night I couldn't reach her. I called repeatedly, home and her mobile, but noone picked up. I knew that she was due for a checkup at the hospital.

So as I lay in bed, I thought of the things that may have happened... and at one point I got really sad and anxious, imagining the worst, imaging that I may have to grab my suitcase and just board the next flight. I've done in before recently, and it could very well happen. But thinking it made me so tired, so dreading it if that were the case... I guess the tiredness drained me and I fell asleep, while shadows played outside the window.

And I finally managed to reach mum this morning. She said she was indeed at the hospital, and before that she had been doing errands, and after the checkup she went for a massage. I guess she didn't have her phone with her, but the important thing is that she is safe and well.

And the good news is that her condition is now stable. The latest blood test revealed that the cancer index has gone done to around 5, which is the standard level for someone who smokes (someone who is healthy is usually around 3; whereas above ten indicates there is cancer present in the body, in the twenties indicates the cancer is spreading...).

This is a dramatic improvement, given that back in October is was close to 19! It means that mum is responding well to her treatment, which is excellent news! :)

As we were talking on the phone, she got another phone on the mobile, and she said she needed to go. It was a visitor who had come to see how she's doing. She was really happy to see this person, which is good, because it cheers her up even more.

1 comment:

itchingjo said...

Good to hear! Will keep sending good energies by will!

Love and hugs