06 August 2007


Haven't really been doing much work 'work' lately. I guess it's the fact that I'm postponing my graduation by one month that sort of psychologically triggered the "I-can-relax-a-little" mode in me. And frankly, reading stuffy old law journals and books, and typing thousands and thousands of words can be very, very exhausting...

But still, I've been doing so other useful things too. For one, I was shocked to find out just last week that my university doesn't have the budget or any plans to hold a graduation event. Not even a little get together before we all part different ways. I mean what's the point of working so hard throughout the year and not having a proper event to finish it off officially? So I started to email my course coordinator, and suggested to him that we really should do something.

And immediately (almost) he agreed! I have some 'influence' at the place I work, and I think I can easily get a great room for my class to get together... even if it's just for drinks and snacks. So I've been sending out emails and planning this, something I really, really enjoy doing!

It's funny because I dread planning my own life and my future, even if it's just what I want to do the very same day... but when it comes to planning something for other people, then I jump at the opportunity and get very organised. I really love planning, organising things, and seeing everything fall into place and knowing that people are enjoying themselves. I don't do it for the credit or the praise, but just seeing people happy and making something memorable is already a great joy.

And this morning there was another thing that really got my excitement going. A good friend of mine and I were just talking and discussing... and suddenly she mentioned she'd really like to go to Auschwitz someday. Immediately in my mind I was thinking: "That's one of the must-go places on my list of must-go places!"

So we ending up planning and thinking about the trip the whole morning. It's still in the fragile planning stage, and we're not even sure if it'll go through because of our time constraints... but maybe, just maybe we could be travelling across Europe next week or so, and be standing at the gates of perhaps the most gruelsome concentration camp in human history.

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