14 January 2007


Took a walk this afternoon, partly to get away from the depressing studying of war crimes and genocide, partly to get away from the arguing at home, and partly to bury Mr Mousovic.

It's always nice to go into the forest, and walk under the shade of barren trees. It was late afternoon, so the sun was setting, and the sky was beautiful. It's not been like that for days, since the stormy weather for the most of last week. The only thing was there were lots of people in the forest... lots of young children running around and lots of people walking around. And I don't like it when there are lots of people.

So I avoided the crowd and walked my own path. I came across something that made me stop. Normally, crocusses and wild flowers bud in early Spring, meaning around March, or even April. But they're beginning to bud, now already, in mid January!

So, the world is getting warmer, and the weather stranger and more extreme. Something else I noticed too... the streets were really really dirty! Usually the ground is speckless, and you're lucky to spot a piece of rubbish (dog poo doesn't count). But today there were beer cans and paper, plastic bags and household garbage everywhere... reminded me of the streets of Jakarta.

I guess it may be because of the stormy weather, or the fact that it was new years and so (drunken) kids were out and about. Sort of gave me the urge to just get a big bag and start cleaning up the streets...

but, I have an exam to study for.

(....the dirty streets were not helped by the attack of seagulls)

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