30 August 2006


Got an email today from uni today saying they want me to be there at 8.30am "sharp" tomorrow for induction. A surprise really, because they had over two months to inform me, but did so on the very last day. Better late than never.

So I had a look at the two-day programme: talks, lectures, welcomes addresses, tours, boat trips, museum visits, city walks, dinners and lunches, and a party to finish it off. Exciting. Yes.

But to be honest I'm nervous about attending. I've never been good in social situations, certainly when there are lots of 'strange' new people around. I've never been good tactful in just walking up to someone and introuducing myself or striking up a conversation with the aim of 'getting to know you better'. So as excited and looking-forward I am about starting my studies again, really I'm worried about 'fitting in'.

I know the induction programme is supposed to 'loosen you up', a sort of meet-and-greet, but just imagining myself there with all these other people around makes me shiver... I'm that nervous.

But then again, everyone else will be in the same 'boat'...it helps, to think and know that. Even just a little bit.

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