21 July 2006

Dharma and Greg

Started watched this ‘new’ comedy last week, and I just can’t get enough of it! It’s really, really funny, nothing compared to Friends, which after a while gets repetitive and sort of difficult to laugh at. With Dharma and Greg, I find myself laughing with the characters. It’s clever, pokes fun at the live between the married life of two completely different people, from different social backgrounds and values, and their families.

And the main guy, Greg, is sooo good looking too… with that dark, silent, but sophisticated look and flair. Hmmm…


Anonymous said...

you know the guy who plays greg played gay (or bi maybe? i dunno...but it was hot, regardless) in the movie "Love & Human Remains." it's not shakespeare or anything, but i'd say it's definitely worth checking out...

Formosa said...

Oh wow, must go see that to catch more glimpses of him!