31 March 2016

Visiting parents

"Itll be some time before you realise things..." The really kind taxi driver said. He lost both his parents within a week of one another. Twenty something years ago when he was in his twenties. It took him well into his forties for him to realise everything happens/happened for a reason. "Its still early days ...."

Four years since mum died, eight since dad passed. The days and years grow, but the feelings remain the same. Sadness, sorrow, longing, heartache... It all feels so real. So recent, but there are memories that feel blurred and are blurring...

Did we go there ? Did mum say such a thing? Did dad act in this way. I miss them still, there's no denying that.

Today when I went to see dad's resting place, there was a necklace of a boddhisatva wrapped around it. I was surprised to see, for who could it have been? I called around and nobody, not my sister in law, not my relatives knew who put that there...

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