31 July 2015


I wasn't sure what to say when my friend told me that his mother, who's been doing chemo, is not doing so well. Just feeling nausea, sick and much tougher as the treatment progresses.

My mind conjured that horrible image of a frail patient will sunken eyes and thin cheeks, criss crossed the with the image I have of the mother , whom I saw in person about a month or so ago. How she must be feeling... How my friend must be feeling...!

Do you ask more questions to express concern and care? Or do you quietly wait for the other to tell you more details? I'm not sure... But as my friend told me how unwell his mother is, the first thought that came to my mind was get her flowers.

Flowers can say so much... Flowers can really brighten someone'S day, even when the days are grueling and terrible to bear...
I sent her some a few months ago , and she absolutely loved the forsias and said the fragrance filled the house.

Anything... Anything to lighten up the mood, to distract and make life and living a little more bearable , just that little push toward getting better again , helps.

At least I think so. I know so.
May those flowers, the fragrance and colours brighten her day tomorrow...

Cancer is tough, oh so tough.
May cancer patients have the strength and will to go on and have that gentle calm to cope with the effects of this tiring battle...

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