13 July 2014


I grabbed my bike in the middle of the pouring rain, and just biked.

I don't care if I got wet. I wanted to get wet.
The rain is soothing, somehow, and it felt like it was healing too.
The whole weekend I felt like I was covered in a haze of depression and lethargy, and getting drenched was what I needed.

I biked and raced along the river, and every puddle I came across, I sped through like a mad person.
I loved the way water splashed all over my legs, my feet, my clothes. I loved the way I was dripping with dirty water, and how my legs were soiled from leaves and pieces of branches.

Sometimes losing yourself and doing something out of the ordinary can be so awakening.
I felt alive.
For those rare few moments as I biked and sped down the cycle path, I felt so alive.

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