31 May 2013

Lies, lies, lies...

I saw this angry face shouting "Lies, lies, lies!"

It was my face, the face of a mad man driven mad and wild by deceit and hurt. I was shouting at someone I used to know, someone who hurt me so. He looked at me with such disdain and bemusement, with such pity. A former lover.

How did I get into this? How did I invest my love and devotion in someone who has already found happiness and moved on? The most bizarre thing in the dream... I had somehow agreed to go biking with the ex and his partner. How did I even agree to it? 

I shouted and was so full of rage and so filled with fear and hurt. "LIES, LIES, LIES!" 

Once hurt, always hurt... Once betrayed, never to be trusted. 

I woke up with my head hurting, my mind  so dizzy with the images of dream yet to fade away...

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