18 May 2013

Deep void

Friday night, there's a deep, deep void inside. Finished crying now, my eyes are sore, my mind a daze. I'm an outright mess again...

Earlier today, my uncle called me to ask about my plans to commemorate my mother's passing. I have no real plans. I don't even know where I am going to stay. I don't know how I will get through it all. He wants to attend, as does mum's other siblings. There will be many people. I don't know how I will cope with it all.

One more month from now... One more month and mum will have been gone for a year. I have not heard her voice in almost a year. I have not touched her in almost a year. I have not seen her smile in almost a year.

My god... how have I been so troubled, so very burdened with sadness and heaviness for these past eleven months. Her birthday, Mother's Day, then the loss of my dear (soft animal) companion... Things have been dramatically declining. And I cannot seem to get out of it.

Who sees my sadness? Who sees and feels this deep void? With whom can I share these feelings and not feel like I'm burdening that person?

I need help. I cannot just sit and cry and cry...

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