12 January 2011


I've been looking forward to this day, and it has finally come. It's been around three weeks since we last saw one another, and finally after all this wait, my friend is arriving today to visit me. At times in the past few weeks, the days and minutes seemed to by ever so slowly... All this time, I think we have been missing one another's company and presence, and I think I can say that we are both excited, in a variety of ways, to get together again.

It's a long way for anyone to travel, literally half way around the world, and it 'just so happens' that he had a ticket he needed to use. Whatever the reason he is coming to see me, I feel honoured and grateful that there is someone who is willing to do so much, to go so far to see me. It makes me feel special, and cared for, and I treasure that deeply. At this moment in time, when my life and my feelings are in a state of uncertainty and are prone to emotional setbacks, I think I need the presence and support of a dear friend more than ever.

I'm not sure what will happen during his visit. I have a few things planned, and am looking forward to time alone together. We always have a lot of fun travelling, doing things and exploring together. There's some connection between us that rarely seems to tire, even after knowing one another and being in one another's lives for more or less two years now, and I look forward to rekindling that bond again.

Whatever happens on this trip, I told him, and also told myself, not to have too many expectations. People are often disappointed because of expecting too much... expecting for things to turn out perfectly, expecting the weather to be beautiful, expecting people to be the way they want to be. Not having expectations can be surprising. Surprisingly fun too.

I'll just try to enjoy the moment, every moment, and fully take in what precious  time we have together in the coming week.

1 comment:

jo said...

No expectations,
then we meet surprises around.

cheers dear