15 August 2010


From the downright outrageous and provocative, from the political to the sensual, friends and I sat on a crowded field of grass and watched the annual Montreal gay pride parade go by. My first experience of it in Canada, and it was a joy to see so many gathered on the streets, celebrating, in a show of solidarity with the gay (including lesbian, bi- and transexual) community. There were gay couples, marching with their young children and babies in prams... men wearing leather and SM suits, drag queens, and just 'normal' looking men, women and youths smiling, waving the colour of the rainbow nation (not South Africa). Amid the din of techno, dance, pop and latin music, there were moments of silence... a show of respect and remembrance for victims of AIDS, of homophobia and intolerance.

Last time I was at a gay pride event, it was almost three years ago, in Amsterdam, all by myself.
As I sat there on the grass, fast forwarded a few years, I was surrounded by friends, by the maple leaf flag and fleur-de-lis of Quebec... how much has changed since.

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