30 July 2010

A little disappointed

After the initial excitement last week, I was disappointed to receive word from my uncle that despite plans to move, they are not moving to Ottawa just yet. Partly because my aunt wants to have some time to adjust, and she feels Vancouver may be a good place to start (especially with the large Taiwanese community around...) Maybe one day they will decide to move, but that's not certain yet.

I'm not sure why I felt deflated afterwards... after all, it's their decision, and they know best what is best for them. I can only be there to support and help them however I can.

I guess I'm kind of disappointed because I was looking forward to having family around... or maybe in a way, I was secretly hoping I could be a 'role model' for my cousins. I have this inner urge to be a sort of 'guide' to them, to help them as they grow up and take the big step moving to a completely new environment. Maybe secretly I want to have a family, to have people I could take care of, and I could care about nearby.

Maybe that time will come. But just not yet.

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