29 July 2010


In expectation of a new bed I bought, I called mum this morning for some advice. Where should I put my bed? It's not just a matter of fitting it into tight spaces I have in my apartment, but goes to something more fundamental.

It's about wind and water, in other words Fengshui. Every single individual, because of the place, time, and date he was born has a unique sort of 'code' that makes this person perform or function better when he is facing a certain direction. For example, mum said to me (and I called more or less to confirm) that I should sleep with my head towards the West. It's worked well for me, and all the homes I've lived in (and there are many...), I have slept according to this rule. And I think I'm doing well and have had a fortunate life (so far).

I'm not sure where the rule comes from, but there are geomancy guidebooks and masters that you can consult to determine which direction is best for you. And it's not just the position you are pointing toward when you are sleeping that is important... also the position you face when you are studying, working may have fundamental impacts on your ability to concentrate or do something well.

It may all be dismissed as hogwash and superstition... but some of the ways of wind and water are actually very logical. You should never place a table that has a door directly behind where you're sitting. There may be deep rooted reasons behind it, but logically, whenever someone walks by the door, you'll be distracted. And also you should never sit or sleep under a beam. Again, from the point of view of psychology, to have something constantly "shadow" over you can create a lot of tension and unseen burden on the psyche.

So my bed and study table has been adjusted, and now waiting for the new furniture to arrive...

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