12 May 2010

A few days in the mountains

I went into the mountains a few days ago, and came out again feeling somewhat refreshed and a little lighter.

I originally wanted to go do a meditation retreat, disappear for ten days and do nothing but meditate. But because of work and some promises I made to finish off something, I decided at the last minute to cancel it. I really was looking forward to disappearing, cutting all contact with the world, but I guess the conditions and circumstances were not right, so I couldn't make it. Besides, mum did a chemo treatment just last week, and I couldn't bear to leave her all alone.

A few days in the mountains gave me a less intense get-away than I had hoped for, but it was a welcome rest nonetheless. I didn't do much, except take the time to relax, catch up on sleep, and most importantly to meditate and connect with the monk for the past few years has become a guide and confidante. Everyday I wake up to birdsong, and just opening my eyes I am greeted with an open valley surrounded by mountains. Butterflies, dragonflies, and bees play between shrubs and colourful flowers that have no name. The songs of cicada seem to usher in the summer heat, and nearby, a flowing stream from a water fall further up the mountain seems to be the only reminder of the passage of time.

For a few moments, my mind got away from work and the anxiety of an upcoming conference in Singapore where I have to stand up and speak (something I always dread...). And for a few moments, I was away from the reality of mum's condition, and in the sanctuary and the luxury of enjoying every moment as it comes and goes.

1 comment:

itchingjo said...

great to get away for some moments :) thank you for sharing, it's as if I can see the mountains wide and hear the cicada songs. Trying to meditate lately too.