03 February 2009

Indescribable gratitude

There are moments and people you encounter in life sometimes for which you are so grateful to that thinking about them can almost bring you to tears. And the more powerful when the moments and people are combined together to evoke feelings that I cannot describe.

Mum arrived in Puli this afternoon, after a year of not having been here. I had been hoping and wishing that she would come here, to enjoy the peace, capture the beauty, and hopefully bring some of it back home with her. Finally she’s here.

I notice that she’s so happy here… smiling, laughing at reverend’s jokes, and listening attentively to reverend’s dharma talks. I sit next her and deep inside am so glad that she can be exposed to all this peace and good feelings and good thoughts, and secretly wish that it will recharge her, give her the boost of energy that she needs in order to go on.

And I am so grateful, as I knelt before reverend this evening before retiring for the night. So grateful to him for taking us in and bringing so joy to my mum’s life, bringing wisdom and the dharma into our beings, and for making us understand that it is ever only so much. So grateful I am too, to others like Jane who are so kind and willing to help others, willing to extend a helping hand and expect nothing in return.

There is a deep sense of gratitude that I cannot express. But I feel it. And it brings almost tears to my eyes.

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