22 March 2010

Bike ride

I cycled down to the sea, to watch the sea play with the winds. From heaven, giant rays of light beamed down through the clouds. Like stairwells, ascending.

When I went to see Carmen two days ago, funnily she had asked about where my bike was. It was on the balcony, I said.

And today, after hearing news of her passing, I dusted the bike and took it out for a ride. I cycled towards the beach, past the cafe where we once drank and ate gelato in, past the parks and woodlands where we walked around in so many times before... And I cycled past her home. The streets was the same as I last left them, the frontdoor was closed, and I did not want to disturb them.

See Carmen, I still have my bike. It's a little rusty, and makes noises when I pedal. But it works just fine...

1 comment:

itchingjo said...

A tight tight hug, my dear caring friend.