17 August 2007


I was at the beach last night to watch Germany and Brazil compete as part of a three day international fireworks competition. It was rainy and windy, like a storm was passing through just as the fireworks climaxed, but I stood bravely there on the beach and continued to watch. Alone.

Tonight was Spain and China's turn to compete, and of course being the inventor of fireworks, China seemed out-shine and out-bang the rest. I sat on the sand and felt the salty sea drench my pants. It didn't matter, as the big explosions of colourful flashes lit up the dark, dark sky. It was like watching flowers suddenly blossom above you, brightly red, green and yellow... big balls of bright flowers that suddenly wilted as the splinters and sparks drooped and fell to the sea.

I sat on the sand, and admired the fireworks, with my head turned up to the sky, taking in the spectacular sights and awing sounds that gunpowder can muster. But at times I looked to my side. And for a change, I wasn't alone tonight.

They say that beautiful things are even more beautiful when shared. Which is true. Despite having told many friends that there's amazing fireworks every week at the beach this month, this was the first time that I could enjoy it with someone special. And that made it even more special. Just sitting there with my close girl-friend on the sand, oooo-ing, and aaaaah-ing, and at times turning to one another and seeing the excitement in each others faces.

After the fireworks, we warmed up next to a warm fire at a beach cafe, sipping hot cups of tea.
Such a simple source of pleasure, to just sit there and talk to someone, and to listen, but it means so much more.

More pictures of the Fireworks Competition at Scheveningen CLICK HERE!!! : )

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