15 July 2007


There was mist close to the ground, hovering just above the grass. It was humid, and the ground was wet from the thunderstorm during the day. But this evening the sky had cleared, giving way to a humid and warm feeling in the forest.

I walked around a bit, getting my daily need of fresh air, and opportunity to get out of the house. Because the ground was damp still, there were slugs and snails almost everywhere on the paths. I tread very carefully not to kill them, and reminded myself of what happened last time I accidentally killed one.

Walking, walking, after a while I really had to... 'go'. I looked around, and there really was nobody, so I walked behind a big, big tree, and silently excused myself to the tree for what I had to do. It was dark in the forest, and the tree bark was dark too from the rainwater. There was a brown thing that was stuck on the bark, and I thought it was just a leaf. Feeling playful I aimed at that thing, thinking the leaf would 'wash away'. But it didn't.

Instead, the leaf curled up and started to crawl, very, very, very slowly. "Oh, oh..." I thought to myself, as I quickly turned to aim somewhere else. "What have I done now...?"

Walking home, I was still feeling sorry for what I had just pee-ed on. And I was even more careful not to step on any snails, thinking I'd hurt one too many today.

Suddenly a splat! And a few centimetres from my foot was a wet pile of white poo, freshly landed on the pavement.

There was a relief that I didn't get hit. But then again, I realised that it was a warning too.

A close one.


Anonymous said...

In two days time I killed a grand total of 25 mosquitos. >.>

Don't hate me!

I'm going to Rotterdam now, hope I'll survive the trip ..

Formosa said...

Oh no! So many helpless souls...
There's blood on your hands, or at least on that electric fly-swat thing you have!

heard the storm took out the electricity again... maybe you'll be in the rain again :)