30 July 2007


It's nice to come home, and be appreciated. Especially after a long day at work, and a long, long time behind the computer writing and researching. It's so nice to open the door, and see a friendly face look at you and welcome you home.

Even if it's the cat's face.

Even if it's because she's hungry and waiting to be fed.

I guess things have been pretty alright lately... at least much better to how or what I felt a week or so ago. A few days ago I met my thesis supervisor, something I had been so dreading to do, and a meeting I had been postponing for almost two months...
But he was extremely positive and helpful, and commended me for my good work. Especially after he mentioned (twice!!) that we should consider publishing the work in a law journal!

Imagine... my name, my work and ideas in a law journal.... published and circulated all around the world...

A distant dream, perhaps. But all his feedback and ideas really gave me the boost of confidence I needed to continue on my thesis writing.

Besides that, a really close friend just last week moved to the city I live in, and we've been doing a lot of things together. Cooking, going to the beach (even if it was just once until now), having deep heart-to-heart talks, and just being there for one another and listening to one another. Sometimes it's really that simple. Sometimes it's all it takes to feel like you are appreciated, to feel like you're loved even. And being appreciated and loved are things I really long for.
But it's so difficult to find someone you can share life with, even though there are countless people always around you in the big city.

It's funny, because up until April I didn't really know this friend very well, and I only spoke to her once or twice at the library or briefly in the corridor. It was because of a project we were working on that we were brought together, and only then did we realise we had so much in common, and so much we could relate to. And I really need that, as a moral support, and someone to talk to.... especially now, I think, because every day I go to the office, and there's absolutely noone to talk to... and because most of my other classmates have all gone home... some never to come back anymore.

It's really a great feeling to find a friend... a true friend you know you can tell things to and know that you won't be judged. It's rare, especially in this day and age of fast friendships and on-the-surface-interactions between people. It's a great feeling to be able to be who you are, not have to act, and to feel utterly comfortable being just yourself, and to have that feeling given back in return. Even if it's just friendship, it feels so special, and warms my heart everytime I see or hear her.

She too will be leaving the country very soon, and at the back of my mind I already have doubts about seeing her go. But then, the consolation is that we met, better late than never, and that we shared so much together in the short time since we've known each other... and I look forward to more or the same in the coming weeks.

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