07 April 2007


Suddenly today I got a mail from my cousin saying that my aunt had a stroke a few days ago. Thank goodness it was mild, and she's more or less recovered (I hope), but still it's messages like this that really stun me. Being so far away from my family, it's moments like this that you realise when you get to know what happened, it's already a few days later. This was a relative... but it could very well be my parents. What then?

Which made me think about my dad.... not that I don't think about him from time to time. Ever since he left around a month ago, I've not heard anything from him at all. I call hom every single week, but never have a chance to talk to him. I talk to my mum, but dad never answers the phone or bothers to call me. So I really don't know what is happening with him, or how he's doing. All I know about him is through my mum, and she said they've not talked to one another for over a month... the other day she cooked and asked him whether he wants to eat. He didn't answer and just looked at her like she's the number one enemy... I really don't understand what dad is up to, or what's going on inside his head... all this hatred and anger, how can you be happy and peace with yourself with all these negative feelings?

That's why it’s so disturbing to hear that my aunt had a stroke, and to know that it runs in the family. What if one day…? I dread to think of it, but it is a possibility. And the more I do not hear from my dad, I less I know about his wellbeing. If one day something does happen to him, when am I going to know? Who am I going to hear it from? What do I do...?

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