15 February 2007

Family stress

In about twelve hours, and my parents will be here. At the moment I'm feeling so anxious and irritated at the same time. Still so much school work to finish, but the house work is still undone. I cleaned up two days ago, and two days later it's back to the same old mess. Papers lying around, cups and plates thrown here and there, clothes everywhere. Disgusting. Just disgusting.

The more I clean, the more irritated I get... I think I'm just on the edge of shouting, or even crying because it's just all too much. Why the hell should I have to do all this, when I have so much work to do myself? I work two days a week, study the rest of the week, and still have to try find time to clean up, cook and do grocery shopping. And what do these other people do? And why should I have to clean up after someone's breakfast, lunch and dinner? Or why should I have to remove cigarette ash and butts from the sink because some smoker is too lazy to do it himself? When you use something, put it back to where it belongs. When you open a box or a can, throw the empty container away in the bin. When you're finished eating, put the plates in the dishwasher. How retarded can you be to just dump everything everywhere and hope things will clean up after themselves?! A few steps to get to the bin is not too much effort to ask, right? Rubbish! Complete rubbish!

I want my parents to come and see that we're doing well and living in a safe, clean environment, so that they don't have to worry about us. I want them to enjoy their stay here, because they've been working so long and hard, they deserve a break from life and stress. So on the one hand I want to clean up the mess, but on the other I just feel so angry why I'm the only one doing it. It's our parents, not just mine.

I thought family getting together is supposed to be a joyous and fun event. But really I'm starting to dread it. And the three weeks have not even begun.

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