13 December 2006


At work today I found this big die on a colleague's table. It was one of these 'magical eight ball' kind of thing, with words like "now", "later", "tonight", "never" written on all its sides. I guess even lawyers can be indecisive and need chance too.

I held it in my hand and looked at it, amused. Accidentally, it slipped out of my hand. And in that split second as if tumbled through the air I thought to myself, why not. Why not ask a question, and maybe it'll accurately predict the outcome. Without thinking, the question asked itself: "When will I get a boyfriend?" Naive, perhaps. Hopeful, maybe. Desperate, no doubt.

The die fell. Rolled and rolled. Came to a stop.



Anonymous said...

So what happened?


Formosa said...

Well, I met this guy, and it was the love-at-first-sight kind of situation. we flirted, and clicked, and went home together, and had a night of passion all the way to the morning.

That's why I'm here in my room hugging my law books.

Anonymous said...

So maybe not tonight, but it will happen soon. I'm sure of it. You really don't need to do much to capture somebody's heart; just be yourself and he'll fall for you. You just need to find him, and the rest will be history.
