13 April 2020



There is a lot of anxiety in the air.
Across the land.
In the world.

With mounting deaths every single day, and the fear of getting infected, that anxiety, fear, higher incidence of lucid dreams all appear to be very natural.

For the last two hours or so, my roommate suddenly felt very unwell. Symptoms of nausea, dizziness, tingling sensations, and added to those, sudden sensations of euphoria that ebbed and flowed, and seeing strange lines, lights and spots over the past couple of days. It is all very puzzling. And worrying.

In times of crisis, there seem to be a spike of anxiety, and also conspiracy theories. About the link of growing installations of 5G towers, the takeover by reptilian overlords, conspiracy that the current coronavirus crisis is linked to an attempt by the medical community to vaccinate, or that Bill Gates' very prophetic TED talk 5yrs ago meant that he is in a conspiracy to depopulate and microchip every single person (he returned to TED to give us an enlightening account of how to respond and proceed).

Back in February, a friend suddenly asked me how I am doing, and whether I felt "strange". I did, at the time, begin to have disturbed sleep and also a general sense of unease (more so than usual), and these feelings have persisted till now.

So it's been going on for around 2 months now, more or less coinciding with the beginning of the coronavirus. In fact, I was in Asia at the end of January, the very week of the lockdown of the epicentre Wuhan, so I watched and followed the news of what was happening there very closely, because I was physically almost right there. So at a time when the rest of the world dismissed the coronavirus as a seasonal flu, I already had a sense that it was something much bigger (...and sure enough, things exploded by the latter half of February, beginning with Italy the week of my birthday). This unease, and the sense of something drastic and lasting began already back at the end of January.

The friend said a lot of things are changing and moving around. Planets retrograding, causing cosmic shifts in energies that will be sure to affect everyone on Earth.  Sure enough, he had two bouts of "attacks" that made him fear for his existence. The closest I could describe it (as it was described to me) was rapturing. Transcending to some higher existence, going beyond life and living. He said he was terrified, and that it tortured his being so.

My roomie's symptoms seemed to have subsided after she lay in bed for some time, and we just talked through things. But the idea that the rapture, or the opening of the chakras or third eye, was in the back of our minds.

What if something more cosmic, beyond-this-world is really happening?
What if, with the increased geopolitical tensions, self-interested actions, and increased xenophobia and racial tensions, are indeed realted to something bigger than the actual pandemic?

We are still unable to make sense of what is happening.
Because what is happening is unprecedented, and on such a global and long-duration scale that we cannot understand or put it into perspective.

A lot of people are lost, feeling aches and pains, feeling the pangs of anxiety and depression setting in.

This is a time for hope, even though hope seems to be in short supply.

Below a beautiful concert, Music for Hope, by Andrea Bocceli. The contrast of the emptied/empty streets of familiar cities that are usually bustling, with the moving music, is such a powerful expression of the times.

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