11 July 2014

losing mum

A series of powerful and frightening dreams rocked my sleep this morning.
I woke up (and slept) again and again sobbing

In the dream, mum was supposed to visit me, but somehow when the day came she never showed up. I couldn't find her, and tried so hard to reach her through all means. But she was just gone. 

I searched for her frantically, dashed around the streets like a madman. Throughout my search in vain, I thought to myself: 

"I can't lose her again! I just can't! I just can't bear to lose her one more time..."

There were all these friends, and my brother, around, but they just didnt seem to care or share my sense of desperation.

It was so painful, I screamed and  yelled and cried out for help. 

I lost mum once, but in the dream I was losing her again...

Perhaps the worst night mare I have ever had yet.

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