30 March 2014

330 demonstration

Over twelve days since students occupied Taiwan's parliament. Today will be the biggest day of protest, with over hundred thousand people expected from all over the country.
 but the police and special forces have also amassed. Six thousand strong. ministries and the presidential palace have all been surrounded by barbed wires and it looks like a hihhtened alert zone. Media reports it has not looked like this since the Martial law period, and that was over two decades ago.

Has Taiwan's democracy and peoples power deteriorated to twenty years ag? What is to become of what has always been held up as the model in Asia for human rights and freedoms?
 I am worried about outbreak of violence and more bloodshed.

The students and lead demonstrators have urged calm and called for a sitin. But I am afraid there are agent provocateurs or government forces who want to provoke violence and create an excuse to crack down and instate a state of emergency.

I'm deadly afraid...

I pray for peace and dialogue, for wisdom and understanding.
 May my country and my people come out of this unscathed and stronger and more together than ever before...

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