09 December 2013

Right to feel, right to get better...

Damn the criticisms, disparaging remarks, name calling...

I need, more than ever, warmth and love, care and encouragements.I need a little grip of my hand to tel me "You are doing remarkably well on your own. Go on like this!"

I need recognition of what I am feeling. I need the ability to express my feelings without fearing that someone will become upset or angry or even bored. I need the ability to empty my grief without having the impression that I am talking about the same old things again and again. I need patient and understand.

When when everything I say is labelled as a complaint or dismissed as negativity, then I cannot speak. When you cannot speak, I would rather keep silent. It is a shame that in friend of someone you thought you could trust and completely confide in you must keep silent and pretend everything is fine and dandy.

And when I keep silent, the suppressed emotions and tears will turn to bitterness and rage, will with time develop into physical manifestations like ulcers or tumours.

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