16 August 2012

49 days


Two hours or so after mum passed away, three nuns gathered to chant a prayer for mum. It is a familiar Buddhist prayer from one of the sutras recited in the original Pali language used at the time of the Lord Buddha over two thousand years ago. It is a familiar prayer with a familiar melody, for it is often used at funerals.

Today marks 49 days since mum passed away. 49 days already. Over a month already. A slow, and at times grueling, 49 days. According to local beliefs, today marks yet another important moment after death, for the spirit of the deceased is said to have moved on and possibly reincarnated into another being. Where you become reincarnated and as what depends on your karma and the merit you have made throughout your life.

A few days ago, to celebrate my sister in law's birthday, I treated her and my brother (and little nephew) to a fancy meal at a restaurant that mum and I went to back in October last year. I found pictures of mum and showed it to them, and pointed out where we were sitting back then and what we ordered. It was a wonderful evening, and in a way a commemoration of mum at a place where she once ate at. Tonight, we all went out to a restaurant, and despite the smiles and sharing a tableful of good food, I felt this empty presence... I looked to my side, at the chair and imagined mum sitting there with us, smiling, munching away and chit-chatting with us...

49 days, or seven weeks, since mum's passing, and exactly two weeks till my departure. More and more, a lot of mum's belongings are being put into boxes. More and more, this home is becoming less a home and more a place with brown boxes and heaps of things to be given or thrown away...

Mum, wherever you may be now, know that you are missed and will never be forgotten...
Go, go and be free and be happy...

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