31 October 2010

Saturday night in

Maybe he could hear the strangeness or sadness in my voice. But as soon as my friend called, he noticed something was wrong.

Something was wrong. I feel down, deflated and depressed. I try to work, but I long to lie down and fall asleep... to dream away, even if they are terrible and disturbing dreams, they seem less frightening than the prospect of facing reality. I guess I am an escapist. A Pisces who likes to (day)dream, who likes to swim in a river of fantasy towards a place of eternal security...

But life is rarely like daydreams and flights of fantasies. And it is in shows of friendship and companionship that makes life bear living. We don't have to be doing or saying anything... in fact, we watched movies we've both seen already, shared food and drinks, listened and sang some songs we remember from our childhoods. And those little things are enough to distract from sombre and dark thoughts eating away the peace and sanity of my mind these days...

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