21 February 2008

21 February

"Dear Dad
Be Peaceful
Be Happy
Be Free"
With those words, my sky lantern lifted up into the dark sky, rising and rising together with tens, hundreds, thousands of other hopes and dreams and wellwishes that rose to the heavens.

Watching the lanterns rise, I was filled with a sense of awe, taken aback by the serene beauty of the scene of a swarm of lights like stars traveling further and further away, taking the words of the people below up to those above who would hear and read them. I hope my dad can also read mine.

The mountains gathered mist, the river slid smoothly below, while the moon shone at its brightest and roundest for the first time after the Lunar New Year... also for the first time after dad's death. A part of me was saddened, and empty.

On this night of my twenty-fourth birthday, I have already lost a dear part of me that can never be recovered. Except those fleeting moments when dad's face and words are briefly recaptured in memories and pictures.

I hope dad can also feel this pain too.

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