06 November 2007

Train trip

Since I only officially work three days a week, I've been taking little train trips just randomly on my free days. For me, it's free to travel anywhere in the country, because as I student, I have this travel pass that is valid on any form of public transport! :)

So, yesterday I just randomly jumped on a train, grabbed a good book, and rode until the last stop. I really like taking trains, and for some reason it's really relaxing to watch the world and things fly by outside the window, and to know that you are moving away really fast. Plus, I can really read when I ride the rails, which is really good to get me into the habit of reading more.

I recently started reading this pretty good book called 'The Secret'. It's been sold across the world and been read by millions, and apparently also changed the lives of so many people. A friend recommended it to me sometime ago, but I sort of 'dismissed' it as "yet another self-help book"... OK, it really is a self-help and feel-good book, but then in very simple language that is approachable and easily understood.

The main idea behind The Secret is that there's this universal law that has existed since time begun, and this law has its effects felt everywhere and on everything and everyone. This is the law of attraction, and we as individuals have the most powerful mechanism to influence this law of attraction. We create the world and the life that we live in because of our thoughts. We think the world, we think the way we feel, we think the way we want to live our lives and we think the things that come to us. The best metaphor they give is that we are like the most powerful communications mast in the world, and our minds can attract things and people just by thinking about it. By using positive thoughts, we can shape our own lives and the world around us, and be as successful, happy, or healthy as we want to be. We could potentially have the life, the love, the money, the job we always wanted, if we focus our minds enough. That way, our minds send energies to the universe, and all the things with the same wavelengths will be attracted to us, and will come to us.

It's a simple idea, and apparently has worked on millions. You can start simply by being appreciative of the things that you already have, by complaining less, and by believing that change will happen if you allow yourself to believe in it.

I sat on the train, as it rode hours and hours toward the east, close to the border of Germany, and thought. A lot of the ideas about positive thinking and seizing control of your life is so similar to the things I've come across while learning meditation. Ideas about gratitude, about positive thinkng, about having peace of mind and calm thoughts and speech... I thought about the things that I want. Maybe I'll get them, maybe not... But it doesn't really matter. As long as I am calm and peaceful inside, and give off positive energy out to the world.

And sitting there on the train, I felt better than before.

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