10 May 2007


The beach was covered with foam the other day. Rather disgusting, all these dirty brown bubbles everywhere, like a long stretch of stranded and dead jellyfish cluttering up what normally is a clear and clean beach to walk on. Not really normal...

Had my very last class two days ago. Just one more exam to do at the end of this month, and then the thesis to complete, and I'm practically finished with my course! But the problem is the thesis... even though I spoke to my supservisor last week already, and even though I've got some books and ideas to help me start, I don't feel like starting at all. Suddenly, because the classes have finished, I feel like there's no motivation any more to do anything.

Been just walking around, chatting to friends, going to the movies, but not really doing any work at all. And I'm the kind of person who feels 'guilty' if I don't do anything 'constructive'. Woke up much too late again this morning, and went to bed much too late again last night. Had all these plans of doing this and that, but feel so lazy, and feel like going out and just going cycling somewhere. Just really, really restless.

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