02 May 2007

Lazy days

Not sure why, but suddenly have become so tired...

Went to bed 'early' last night, at around eleven, and got up to go to school. Had an appointment with my thesis supervisor, which went pretty well. He's really nice, and we sat down together for half an hour to go through my ideas. Even before I arrived, he had already jotted down lots of useful notes on my proposal, and given me a list of literature I to look at. My topic, on the values of the (so-called) international community, appears to be related to the PhD thesis he's working on, so he really seems to be the right person to be supervising it.

My basic ideas are to question whether there is such a thing as 'international community' in reality... and if there is, what the the values of this community are. There's so much talk and use of the term, and some legal terminology refer to the 'international community', but what is this community composed of? States alone, or something more encompassing, like individuals, NGOs, TNCs? Especially on human rights, we hear a lot about how the "international community" views them as a common fundamental value, and has time and again repeated the commitment to protect human rights for the sake of defending this "international community". But is this mere rhetoric, or something grounded in law as well as reality?

Anyways, perhaps it's because of these mind-boggling ideas, afterwards I felt so exhausted. Sat in the library for a few hours, but didn't get any work done at all. The sunny weather outside didn't help, and my mind kept on wanting to go out. So I did.

I made my way home slowly, even managing to doze on the short fifteen minute train journey. Once I got home, around 4pm or so, I collapsed into bed. Had set my alarm for around 5, but everytime it ran, I pressed snooze, snooze, snooze...

It was one of those sleeps you keep on waking up from, and then fall half asleep, only to wake up in what feels like only moments later, when an hour or so had in fact passed. Usually I have the radio on when I take a little nap in the afternoon, and between periods of half-sleep and awakedness I'd hear bits and pieces of the latest news... Israeli prime minister Olmert refusing to step down... Polish workers 'flooding' into the Netherlands after the lifting of border restrictions... lawsuit against ABN Amro because of its merger with Barclays... three week old Royal Princess Ariane taken up in hospital... And rather unsually I started to dream as well... unpleasant dreams, about this piece of assignment I had to hand in last week.

When I decided I couldn't go on sleeping any more, which was around the same time as when my stomach kept on kicking, it was almost nine.

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