29 December 2006

Home again

(For more pictures, go here!)

I'm going to miss the way he hugs me. The way he makes babbly baby sounds close to my ear, and most of all, I'll miss falling asleep next to his soft, warm breathing.

Maybe Sunny will wake up and wonder where that 'stranger' went. The one who's been bathing him, pampering him in the last couple of days, and picking him up into the air with his arms spread wide open like a free, soaring bird.

How quickly the last couple of days went. Unwillingly, I left Strasbourg at sevenish in the morning, when the rest of the world seemed still sound asleep. It was freezing cold, and though it hasn't snowed yet, the damp dew covered the forests and meadows outside the window with a coating of white. A winter wonderland, full of magic, full of surprises.

I didn't do much actually, besides eat and take things slow and easy. I did some shopping rounds for my friend, at the usually 'hyper-market' Auchan, and even popped over to Germany to store up on baby food and diapers. The little town of Kehl doesn't have much attractions to visit, but prices are sometimes half that compared to France. I even found the play-thing I wanted to get Sunny but got stolen in Brussels. His mum was overjoyed when she saw what I bought (again!), since it was exactly what she had been planning to buy as well.

After a half-hour of assembly, the baby-gym was ready, and Sunny was put to the test. It's quite a fun toy, he seemed to love it the moment he got his eyes and hands laid on the animated figures and stuffed animals suspended on an arch in mid-air. I watched him play, giggle and fidget with his hands and legs. In his cute little outfits, he looked so innocent, so vulnerable, yet somehow seemed to radiate with such life and love.

Though all of that didn't make the thoughts of two looming exams and a paper due next week go completely away. Even though I had my books with me, it was only until this morning in the train that I started studying. But pub-crawling with my friend last night meant instead of absorbing the cases and judgements, I was more absorbed by sleep. With beautiful thoughts, of a beautiful baby I was leaving behind.

Arrived in Brussels around noon, and to be frank didn't feel like going home (just yet). It's really been a while since I bought anything for myself. Funny, the moment I walked through the door a few days ago, my mum-friend immediately noticed how 'smart' I look, and how firm my bum had become since we last met... I blushed, but then again she really is someone who knows the latest about fashion. Bright colours and accessories like a scarf and trendy belt, she's being saying to me ever since we've known each other. With that in mind, I ventured the streets and shops of Brussels and decided to be good to myself for a change. One shop had the slogan:
"Your clothes say who you are. What do you want them to say?"
Confident. Secure. Warm. Approachable. Lovable. That's what. As my wallet got a bit lighter, I could feel my lugguage and self-confidence get a bit weightier. Bought a couple of sweaters and jumpers, one pink, one snow-white with light horizontal green stripes, and another orange. And my tattered trousers I traded in for two pairs of slick, slim-waist jeans. I was smiling. It's almost the new year, and I guess it's time to make resolutions (again), to be more outgoing and self-loving. As much as I believe it's what's inside that matters, clothes do help.

The rest of the journey home was hectic. Again, like so many times before in Belgium, the train had problems and simply got cancelled. So hundreds of other passengers heading towards the Netherlands had to haul their lugguage up and down platforms, change and transfer and run and wait in the cold until finally after an hour a replacement train service came. It was packed, and I ended up riding two hours sitting by the door between two carriages, next to the toilet. It was loud, smelly, and there was no central heating.

But soon I was home again.

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