16 August 2006

Where is David going this time?


Yep, I decided to attend that wedding of my friend. Some people have suggested that, given our history together, I shouldn't. But then others said I should go...sort of as a 'parting' gesture, to see my friend off into marriagehood, but at the same time also close an open chapter in my life.
I guess it'll be 'bittersweet', and I hope it's more of the latter than the former. At the moment I'm feeling happy for my friend, really glad that he's found someone to settle down with. I'm not sure whether this will change once I see him really walk down that aisle (or whatever it is they're planning to do at the wedding--I really have no clue!). All I know is it's in Poole, on the south-west coast of England, and that I should bring a suit. And be there at six.

I'm looking forward to this trip actually, for other reasons. I mean been at home and not had any progress with my job applications and been really feeling stuffy and sometimes depressed lately. Going away for a couple of days will do me some good. Besides, I get to see London again, a city I spent three years of my life working and studying in. And get to see old friends too.

I'll be staying at a good friend's place while in London. He and I have some 'history' together too. Nothing too intimate, since when we met he was already with someone. But we do share a lot of life experiences (again mostly the bad ones), and get along well. In my final year he'd come over to my place often and stay the night. I guess I needed that, the company and talks, since I was a bit lonely that year, and really stressed because it was the final. He has a strange habit of sleeping naked, which was.......*cough* 'distracting' if you're in the same bed.

Anyways, it should be an interesting trip.

I should be back Monday...if nothing happens....

Oh, just to be clear to everyone, should anything happen, I have not part in any plot, conspiracy, scheme whatsoever. I have nothing to declare, nothing to hide.
: )

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