31 May 2016

And so it ends

Just like that...

No, not just like that, but I had felt the distance growing.
Since our conversation a few weeks back in Toronto, at the end of his visit. He's really into anal, I'm not. I said I can do it, but I have to be ready and prepared... as I'm nervous. But since then he's been having doubts. Messages would go whole day without a reply, articles I shared before about relationship and love (which would trigger immediate responses), would be read and not replied to.

He's so sweet, and caring... but I guess the growing distance revealed his real self (or his insecurity and doubts (to give him the benefit of the doubt) after the end of a long 7yr relationship...?). Is sex really that important? He said he was not fulfilled emotionally in the old relationship, they had become roomates living a routine life and lacked excitement... With me, at least I thought, there was something special, magical, passionate and romantic. So I thought.

IT comes. It goes. It begins. And before you know it , it ends.

Who knew, it would end the night before a big lecture when I am so ill prepared still?

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