05 April 2015


Easter Sunday... This year it happend to fall on Tomb Sweeping Day (ching ming, 清明節), the day we traditionally remember the deceased and our loved ones.

I woke up and went downtown to have a quick lunch with friends and then went shopping for groceries... Chicken is a must, and I saw the squid my dad loved so much, and the barbeque pork (char sau) was enticing too... Together with some veggies, shrimp and eggs, I fixed up a feast.

This lunar New year I didn't really prepare much for them as I was on the plane (fortunately my brother's in-law family helped cook a lot of food...) So this meal is important, as a kind of "make up" meal...

I hope mum and dad like it... Their favourite cups are there. Together with some drinks (Perrier, mum's favourite...) And alcohol.

I hope they will like it, and 'visit", and answer my prayers to watch over our family, my nephew and the little niece to come...

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