28 September 2014


The family is asleep now, brother snoring in the living room, my little nephew and sister in law sleeping quietly in the spare bedroom. I'm in my bedroom, working into the wee hours of the morning, striving to prepare for another lecture on Monday.

My dream of bringing my family here has come true, family. Mum and dad would be so proud of us seeing us all together under one roof, my roof. I've extended them the warmest welcome, brought a toy and smiley balloon to greet my nephew, and prepared feasts at night and even booked a rather fancy surprise. They are family, the only family I have left, and they deserve nothing less.

We went into the mountains today and admired the changing colours of Autumn. We woke at 5ish, all of us for some reason, me included, so exhausted after 9. It was probably the longest sleep I had for weeks, though it was interrupted by noise of construction going went on all night last night...

The colours of Autumn is simply breathtaking... It breathes life into even the fullest of lives, into the greyest of imaginations and minds. Who can behold such colours and not be amazed , awed or be even the slightest persuaded in the presence of a greater being who paints with such vivid colours?

My newphew gets so excited by any playground and I spent a long time under the hot sun teaching him how to step and hold on tightly. He's so sweet, inquisitive and ever so cute, though he can be a little devil when he is tired and grumpy and wouldn't stop crying... My brother and his wife seem to be in awe at the nature and all that Canada has to offer... She confided in me she noticed that a difference yesterday when we went to a riverside park: the children and parents don't give us another look , as they do in Europe. Not a hostile look, just a look as if we are different. But in Canada, we are no more different than the rest of the population, for this is a country of immigrants. Unlike Europe which still has an issue with race and colour... Just after she said that, I watched as two squirrels, one dark furred another with a light shade of brown fur played and dashed up a nearby tree. 

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