04 August 2009

Vancouver bound

(on board AC 111)

On board and around an hour away from Vancouver. Beginning a trip to the western Americas. Two weeks, first visiting family, then wandering southward to the San Francisco area to attend an ISU meeting. To be honest, for a long time was not really enthused about the trip, but for the past few days, maybe doing all the planning and itineraries, I feel more interested. Perhaps the trip will help me discover myself, help me recover that energetic and intelligent side of me. Help me get back to work and be productive again. I know I have been telling myself for the past two months that “Tomorrow I will start working…” or “Tomorrow I will go to the library”, but nothing came of these promises, and every day I feel more and more useless.

Hopefully this trip, to cities and on paths never before travelled, will help me rediscover how resourceful I can be. It is always good to go somewhere you’ve never been, and find your way there.

Like finding your way in the trip of life.

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