14 March 2008


This time tomorrow, I should be on the plane, flying over the ocean, further and further away from land. This time tomorrow, I should be leaving home, to go home.

How I will miss this country, and the people! The friends who have been there to support me, the relatives and family who have been there to welcome me into their arms, and even the strangers who out of nowhere appeared to guide me when I am lost. On this eve of my departure, I think back at the many days that have gone by since I landed on this little island more than a month ago, and I remember all those people with gratitude and with a smile.

What a trip it has been! Of tears, smiles, sadness, and reconciliation. So sudden, and so full of surprises, and now it is coming to an end. Death and illness I have experienced up close, and I have been able to deal with both with an equanimous mind, and come out somewhat stronger and more at peace than ever before.

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