01 February 2008

Sudden snow

It suddenly started to snow. The flakes striking the hard below at a slant because of the North Sea winds. In those moments when the winds fade away, the snow drifts around like aimless flies in the air, and when the winds pick up again, they fallen and fly in the direction of the winds.

Just yesterday, a huge storm was predicted, and it had rained a lot. Even so, I braved the storm and went to catch two movies at the Rotterdam International Film Festival. And tonight, it suddenly started to snow. I only realised when I stepped outside from a bar I was drinking at with friends. And I had to cycle home in the wild weather of damp snow and strong winds. When I got home my pants were so soaked that as soon as I steped on the carpet, there was a pool of water dripping still.

Friday evening. I spent dinner together with friends from work. Nothing like talking and relaxing over good food with friends. After a series of incidents at work involving colleagues, it was good to 'air' it out and share the experiences. You try your very best to do your job, and there are those who want to claim the glory and the fame. You work every single day of the week, even though you are only paid part-time, and there are those who say to you that you should work even harder. You try to not make trouble and simply try to dedicate yourself to finishing the tasks ahead, and there are those who 'snitch' behind your back and try to report to other people everything you are doing wrong. And all the while I think to myself how petty these people are... how bored they must be to have nothing else to do than talk behind other people's backs and talk about other people's flaws... I think to myself how these people can actually be in positions of authority, or at least think and believe that they wield so much power other others.

I see this kind of pettiness and politics, and I scoff and laugh inside. Such a small workplace, but so much ridiculousness and unnecessary problems. For what? So that one person can feel better than another temporarily? So that one person can show off to the boss how much s/he has done and suck up to them by tramping on the efforts of others? Disgusting. These kind of people make me want to have nothing to do with them. They are digging their own graves.

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