02 October 2007

Family feuds...

("Letting tears go...")

My mum and I had wonderful times together in the past few weeks, travelling, connecting, and relating to one another's happinesses and pains. And as if there's still so much to say, she has to go away again. I feel sorry to see her go... mostly because she's going back to a stressful life living with my dad and going back to her stressful job. It's tires her out. I can tell... through the wrinkles on her face, through the whitening hair around her ears, and through the look in her eyes...

I told her many times to retire early, and to take care of her health, because she just recently survived cancer and the last thing she needs is stress and tension. What's more important, I ask her always, to make money or live a happy life? Of course she knows it's the latter. But many things seem to prevent her from quitting her job. Mostly fears of being financially insecure, and partly because she doesn't know where to go.

I told her to come stay here, but she really doesn't want to live with my brother and his girlfriend, who have practically taken control of the whole house. Even in the short time my mum was here, she feels like she's the guest, even though she owns the house and has more rights than my brother or his girlfriend... She told my brother that he should move, go find a place of his own and start his own home... And that was met with days of sulking and cold-war! So childish... My brother's almost thirty, and makes a lot of money (more than average!), and he still thinks that it's right to be living in my parents home and to take a girlfriend home to live here. And he doesn't even pay rent!

I told him clearly: it's alright if you rent a house and live with your girlfriend, but now you're living at home and taking the girlfriend into our family home. We're not trying to break them apart of interfere with his life. We're just telling him to go build his own home somewhere else... anywhere, just not in the family home. I mean I'm four years younger than him, and I've already made plans to move out once I save up some money! Why didn't that come into his mind? Isn't it the most natural thing to leave home when you grow up?

But he just doesn't seem to understand or see how his actions and his girlfriend living here makes many things complicated. He just got extremely angry and treated my mum as if she's trying to make him homeless, or trying to come between him and his girlfriend. Such rubbish! All that sulking, not-talking, sighing loudly, and giving us all the angry 'evil' look.... He said things like he'll have to go get two jobs now, or that he'll have to sell his car because my mum wants him to move out, which is complete and utter rubbish. And he started to blame my mum for coming here, and giving him financial pressure by going on holiday. Excuse me!? It was him who wanted to go on holiday... it was he who made the plans... and it was my mum and me who paid for the trips!

He's been living at home for two years, but not saved a single cent! All because he wanted to buy that expensive new car. I had told him so many times that he'll have to consider the consequences if he bought a new car, but of course he didn't listen. The advice of his little brother is just too cheap to be useful. He just thinks I or my mum would always be there to support him, to pay for bills and to help him. But no. Enough is enough. He has to move!

My mum was a lot of the time upset and really disappointed with my brother... there was even this time she cried, while we were on holiday in Prague. How can my brother be so unreasonable, so selfish, and not think at all about other people or how they feel? I listened to their arguments, to my brother shouting and saying all these things that seem to make us the 'wrongdoers', and I feel so sorry for my mum... she's already ill, and has to deal with this kind of disrepectful and ungrateful person... she's already ill, and has enough worries, but are made even worse with someone else's selfishness and inconsideration for other people... I was on holiday in Prague, surrounded by such magnificent scenery and beauty, but with such terrible company.

No wonder why I had to take so much 'time out' to be alone and go do what I wanted to... it was often just too much to bear.

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