09 December 2006


Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin. My head is spinning. And I'm smiling as I write.

Just got home, and on the way I actually heard the early birds starting to sing.
A double birthday, a night of frolicking and drinking. What are the odds of having two friends who have the same birthday? Weeks in the planning. A 'surprise' party themed around celebrations of six-year-olds. Balloons, paper party hats galore. We pretended to be kids, and anyone who said a dirty, dirt word or did anything naughty was sent to the corner for 'time out'. Crazy, but fun.

But like all parties with uni students it turned to a drinking game. We drank 'grape juice', 'fizzy water', 'root beer'...and soon starting playing dangerous QandA games tittling on the verge of the very, very personal, and very, very obscene. How many times have you blown? The last time you had 'birds and the bees'? THe last time was when? Do you swallow? You like it big? Do you like it from behind? How big? What's your shoe size? Nothing was taboo, nothing unasked. The very sources of gossip and rumours were sprung tonight. Flirting, and sexual vibes hung in the air. Bottle after bottle of 'fruit juice' and 'bubbly water' were cracked open, and poured into longing throats.

And in less than 48 hours, a 2500 word assignment is supposed to be due.

But hey, at least I got a hug from the birthday boy.

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